Biblical Analysis: Cosby Drug Rape Allegations

If a Christian woman makes a bad decision, she must repent of it even as King David did. She must not let it continue. If she loses her virginity, she cannot marry another man. The biblical reason for this is that her father could not give her in marriage with a clean conscience (folly).

Christian Attractiveness

How to be Saved

Dowry: How Much Should a Man Pay for a Virgin


Agape and Ethics



Marital Chastity


Right to Life

Defilement Effects of Rape

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Purity/Chastity Better Than Abstinence

Dress Code


The Perverse, Subversive Media

(Seven Texts)

The Jewish Are Not Hebrew

Are Greedy Women Merely Lying To Get Money And To Destroy A Civil And Fatherly Image Of A Famous Man (Bill Cosby)!

Jay Leno Comment:Focusing on a Sociopath with Wealth and Power Avoiding the American Court System

What Titles Do Bill Cosby and David Parker Ray Hold in Common? Sociopath and Suspected Serial Rapist!
Both manipulated and changed the ability of their victims to resist

Cosby's prey: Will the almost “billionaire” pay to alleviate the pain and suffering of his victims? Would tens of millions really suffice and bring them back to their unaltered state? Rape and pseudo-pharmacist convictions must not be allowed to be settled without prison time and mere monetary retribution alone! Drug pushing is a serious offense itself. Drug rape is on the level of child rape--it diminishes the ability of the woman to resist. If society needs anything, it needs lifetime, legal protection of the sexual dignity of its women. Men should not be able to drug rape and not be accountable for the darkening poison (resistance alteration) of the drug and the undue, physical contact. With so many women coming forth, Cosby's evasion of conviction due to lack of support of other victims and community, media dumb-down and Statute of Limitations may come to a stop.

Tamara Green Gives Cosby's Mind-altering Drug and Sexual Love Protocol Details
She seems to imply that had not she been drugged (poisoned), she would not have consented to Cosby's sexual endeavor, as if the drug disabled her to control her sexual privacy and dignity through resistance to the assault. Screaming is part of the biblically required and prescribed method of non-consent.

Two More Victims

Joan Tarshis: Oral and Other Sex While Drugged
How about the other women? What did the part-time, willfully deceitful, pharmacist/full-time show man do to them while they were not awake? Did they suffer oral defilement also? Does the unknown haunt them with mental anguish?

PJ Maston was a beautiful woman when she was young. You should hear her detailed account of the sexual assault after having been drugged. Although "bunnies" may not be expected to be chaste or cherish sexual dignity, no one wants to be unwillfully abused.

Cosby Compromising Sammy's Non-resistant Girlfriend Has No Need For Sociopath Tools (Drugs)
Non-drug and consensual fornication: However, she may have been infatuated or even mesmerized by Hollywood fame and wealth (psychological drunkeness so to speak)--people should not become spellbound over acquaintainces, but should be sober-minded with restraint and the ability to scream if offended. It seems she had training as an actress but no discipline toward keeping physical innocence, not even a complaint! Even if she were in denial and craved secret enjoyment (which she seems to say it wasn't), it was still a degrading act of sexual abuse. However, there is really no justified excuse for passive, sober and non-coerced acquiescence to carnal knowledge out of marriage. Every woman should be guided to defend her body and complain about anyone touching or attempting defilement.

Janice Dickinson Gives Her Drug-rape Account

Concluding, if the allegations are true (even if all the females were not chaste), Cosby was not innocent. If he had merely masturbated himself (a form of non-continuous fornication), without involving another party, the sexual, physical repercussions would have been to himself; but from the testimonies, that was not the case. The psychological and posterior damage may be devastating to the victims.


Update: Cosby Convicted On Three Felonies

Rebuking Kesha Knight Pulliam

Harms of Serial Rapists

Pharmacy Weapon: Drug Rape

James Dean

Back to Hollywood studies...

New World Order and Entertainment vs Racial Homogeneity

How young people can by-pass the worldly media: Learn Biblical languages

Why Women Should Not Want To Be An Actress

Very few women really become celebrities. Many of those who do have histories of fornication and lack a pleasant relationship with God. Don't let the world entice you into trying to become a winner in a world of losers! Many women and young girls that are tempted into this environment may be misused and never reach any publicity achievement anyway. Hollywood and New York can't offer a girl what she really needs—a relationship with God as a friend. Worldly acting is a counterfeit.

Hollywood has always had a negative effect on people because the industry is not designed to develop Christian acting, obeying God. It is generally a negative art of mimicking or demonstrating worldly people which has to do with emotions and actions that are not pleasing to God whereas in contrast a Christian response is guileless, positive, direct, forward and pleasing to him: study the the book of Acts. Hollywood even tries to mimic Christians.

Considering the negative effect of modern, American anti-Japhethic propaganda on our young women (especially self-haters) through their school years, and the treacherous media (note how many years it took for Cosby to get exposed), many are led into a nightmare instead of success. Recently, Bill Cosby was exposed for abusing women. Such white women seemed to be hurting and deceived to begin with, but they were scarred further by their anti-homogeneous acquaintance. White women may be envied or despised by other races; don't willfully fall as a victim to them.

Our youth need theological challenge, especially during their middle and high school years so they can have the ability to not be easily deceived or deterred from righteousness by the world (or even their public schools and erring churches). Youth need to seek God for spiritual development continually; God will make provision for them for other things.

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