(1890-1984) He defected from the fraudulent Jewish and wrote a book admitting they were not Hebrew and had no roots in Israel.


The Jewish Molested The Scriptures Concerning Inheritance In Israel: Numbers 36:5-13

Pre-History: “Jewish”/Russian Revolution; Stalin starves Christians and others: The Holodomor; Hitler Warns the “Jewish” To Leave Germany

Adolf Hitler

Black And Other-subrace Hebrew Impossibility

My personal opinion on separation: War is due to the depravity of man, which goes back to the sin of Eve and Adam. They had to separate from Satan and his influence. Nations have been founded upon faith, as it is said Abraham would be a father of many nations. The “Jewish” are a racially-fraudulent, anti-Christian group who wanted to thrive upon the generally Christian nation of Germany and were specifically not wanted during Hitler's term. He warned them to leave long before his military took them captive. If they had listened and left, they could have went to Africa or some place and started their own ethnic community. They did not build Germany and were against its values in many ways; they shouldn't have wanted to overtake it with their hegemony. They merely should have left.

Ethicities are always going to have arguments and it is best they be separated and not hurt their opponents, but we know that is not the case. I believe we should all study the Torah, have faith in Jesus the Christ, and live harmless as a dove.

Nevertheless, if we are melted out of existence with nukes or die some other violent way, mankind must answer to God. Promoting separation is better than inviting chaos and Babel.