Nationalism: Human Racial Homogeneity Over Time
150 Years Of Late, Unwarranted Multi-National Land-Mixing—See Joshua 23)

2500 BC:

Tower Of Babel: Three Races (Shemitic, Hamitic and Japhethic) and subraces

After The Scattering: Nationalism: Several homogeneous nations among the three races and their subraces

1850 AD:

Same nations still generally homogeneous except for mixtures due to war and unwarranted marriages

1913 AD:

Federal Reserve Bank And Foreign Overtake Of USA Money Control

1965 AD:

Ted Kennedy Treasonous Immigration Flood And Curse

1972 AD:

Affirmative Action and almost complete desovereignation of Japhethic nations

2000 AD:

Racial Nihilism: Nationalism (an inherited political and religious design through Abraham... “father of many nations”) is under threat of existence


Race Is Real, Evolutionary And Genetic
(Extinction Of The Hebrew Tribes)

IQ And Demographics

Why Whites Should Remain Homogeneous And Yoke Equally

Will Biden Flood The USA With Idiots

Black Nationalism

Race: Reality And Denial

“Race? It is a feeling, not a reality.” __Benito Mussolini

The Difference Between Hebrew (Patrilineal)
And Jewish (Matrilineal) Genetics

"- Racism against any race is wrong"... is a paranomosic clause
and anti-democratic construct. Democracy and pure race (homogeneity)
needs healing of such nihilistic speech.