Alex Jones and Sandy Hook Defamation Lawsuits | Dangers of Conspiracist Ideation,
Aug 7, 2022, Dr. Todd Grande

Alex Jones, now remarried, is a passionate and patriotic broadcaster to a degree although he lacks knowledge of biblical institutions, and even encourages against them at times. Also, he doesn't have a sexual past that would prove his integrity toward the basic commandments. Jones estimated he has had 300 women. (Who are these women entertaining today?)

It seems America is in such deterioration and apostasy that male sexual chastity isn't important to most adult citizens any longer. Materialism and modern business hygiene would be given a higher place on a person's agenda.

Beware of marital heresy and uncleanliness. Alex Jones explicitly reveals his Biblical ignorance upon spiritual issues. On June 7th or 8th 2011 (I wasn't aware of the exact date), Alex Jones advised a caller to the effect to take his cheating wife to a "good church" on account of the children. This is the kind of uncleanness preaching we get in modern times.

When a woman cheats or becomes unclean, the only resolve is to clean house, not pacify the unclean situation. It is actually a terrible way to bring up children—in uncleanness. Fornication defiles a woman and it defiles the land, just overlooking it and advising the couple to live together anyway is actually promoting a method to defile the land and invite others to do the same! Alex's idea of a good church is probably one of these adultery condoning churches that "forgive" the adulterer and let them marry again anyway! Satan has such an uncleanness grip on Americans today. Defilement of the land is what brings God's judgment upon a land. God forbid marital uncleanness.

One of the things that made Jones popular was using Adolf Hitler as a scapegoat and promoting diversity/Babelism, when actually many of Hitler's homogeneous ideas were good for a nation, people and world. Looking through the demographic and sexual morality lens, it seems his followers of Jones must ignore very important qualities necessary for a good life. Nevertheless, he did open the eyes of the politically blind as to the horrors of the left to an extent.

On the positive side, perhpas this may lead to law suits against the dinosaur media, CNN, MSNBC and others: How they have promoted pseudo-philosophy concerning diversity/Babelism, misled and damaged the USA and the world!


Alex Jones Uncleanliness Heresy:
Except For Fornication

America's Promiscuity Catastrophe

Jones VS Duke Genetics Misconception: Jewish Genetic Identity Ommission: Fakeness/Disingenuity

Judgment Coming

Jones Misdirection