Purity: Let God Heal You

“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” (Mt. 5:8) Your healing is only a call away. God will not reject anyone who calls upon him.

Sin Causes Separation

Contrarily, a defiled person is unclean and far from God. Sin brings separation to man and God: the universe of peace becomes broken between the creature and the Creator. There is a feeling of incompleteness and uncovering. Innocence is gone. Don't let sin and unwarranted passions keep you from reconciliation and harmony with your maker and his wonderful creation. God wants you in a condition of health and prosperity. He wants you to see the green growth of the spring season and to hear the sound of robins chirp with joy in your heart. He wants you to find harmony with his will in this life.

The Battle With Anti-Christianity

Satan does not want anyone to be pure or to put their faith in God. The devil has all kinds of deceivers to mislead people. One of the greatest enemies of faith is Talmudicism, a religion that puts the “oral torah” above the written torah. The written torah is generally the first five books of the bible; however, since the fifth book, Deuteronomy, mentions the prophet to come after Moses (Dt. 18:15), who is Jesus the Christ, the new testament is considered fulfillment of the torah. Therefore, Christians have a range of books from the old and new testaments to learn about God. Just as the serpent deceived Eve and suggested other words than what God said, the Talmud followers attempt to contradict the written torah and deceive even Christians.

The Theological Fall Of Europe And The USA

Many Christian nations were taught about the bible and great things happened to the people living in them. They learned how to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, be clean and seek purity. They had a concept of chastity and disallowed remarriage to some extent in their societies. However, those nations became influenced by anti-Christian teachers and media, and their purity-seeking institutions were perverted. Eventually, even remarriage and other religions than Christianity became legally tolerable.

Seek Purity, Repentance And Cleansing Of Your Heart

A repentant person who has been living in a sinful manner but has changed his heart to want to live righteously is acceptable to God. Turning from deception, things that are contrary to God, and all forms of unrighteousness is pleasing to the one who gives forgiveness and cleansing of heart. It may require separating from a defiled relationship or some other unclean association, but it is worth it. Righteousness demands God's way, not the way of sinners.


Sin and Separation

Contradictions of the Talmud

Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ

Perversion of Christian Institutions

Faith Healing

Netanyahu's Defiance of Sexual Morality


Christian Racial Separation VS Marxist Classism

Government Model

Christian Government

Zion Is A Beautiful Word

Jewish, Russian Starvation of Christians
(Aggression against Communist-resisting Government)

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