Update on Kenneth Copeland
Condoning Adultery And Immorality Is A Money-maker In The Religion Business:
Kenneth Copeland Wealth And Demon Analysis

Full Interview: Preacher Kenneth Copeland Defends Lavish Lifestyle, Inside Edition, Published on May 20, 2019

Copeland's Misrepresentation of Wealth (How To Get And Use It)

Wealth is good. Copeland is not lying about that. Prosperity is a very good thing for Christians and God wants us to have it. However, the Bible gives us direction how to get and use it. The Apostle Paul, an author of some books in the New Testament, taught Timothy and others how to prosper. However, as he went about preaching and teaching, he didn't have the best of chariots and animals to take him where he was going. He didn't have the finest clothing of his day. He was barely clothed. He didn't sleep at the best inns. He didn't resort to vacation homes. He didn't sell books to supplement his income.

Does a prophet or teacher that wants to sell you a book or cd really have the quality of life and the gift of imparting (Romans 12.8) that he should have? I don't think so.
Sharing God's word freely and working with our own
hands even if it has to be under hard circumstances and without a place to sleep as the example of the Apostle Paul should be followed. We need to buy books such as bibles and writings of post-early church leaders, such as Athanasius for an example, to learn doctrine but with acknowledging foremost the Scripture as the authority, but we should not depend on modern authors who sell their doctrinal material. Also, many of these book-sellers err concerning knowledge of biblical institutions and the sanctified family unit. Don't be a partaker of their sin by making them more wealthy. God can show you how to give also.

Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling place;” (Apostle Paul, 1 Cor. 14:11).

Erring ministers like Mr. Copeland cause a lot of harm to the people they visit. Although Jesus is preached, which helps the totally ignorant to an extent, the polluted message of condonation of remarriage prevents the righteous from having a sound foundation to learn how to honor the purity of righteous marriage and the truth. After the unlearned people hear messages that ignore accountability for sexual misconduct, they may bring great guilt and sin upon themselves by committing bad sexual acts, or influence others in a negative way. Then it takes years to re-train the misled students, if ever, to get them back on the righteous track of morality. That is a job for the learned minister.

Mr. Copeland may preach an exciting message but his works do not imply that he loves God. If he did, he would obey His commandments and not commit adultery. He may seem to have the spoken part of a religious leader but his acts are not in line with ethical and moral, Biblical direction. He lives his own way, not God's way. Every time he has slept with Gloria, he has denied God's commandment and assaulted Christianity. John the Baptist lost his life for upholding purity, Mr. Copeland rakes in millions polluting it. If his deceived followers woke up and left his organization, he would not miss them a bit... he has plenty of money to last him a life time in luxury.

Pure Life: Breaking Clean Is Necessary

Prophets keep the people in line with God's written word. John the Baptist was faithful, even unto death.

Matthew 14:1 At that time Herod the tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus, 2 And said unto his servants, This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead; and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him. 3 For Herod had laid hold on John, and bound him, and put him in prison for Herodias’ sake, his brother Philip’s wife. 4 For John said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her. 5 And when he would have put him to death, he feared the multitude, because they counted him as a prophet. 6 But when Herod’s birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, and pleased Herod. 7 Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask. 8 And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist’s head in a charger. 9 And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oath’s sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her. 10 And he sent, and beheaded John in the prison. 11 And his head was brought in a charger, and given to the damsel: and she brought it to her mother.

It isn't possible to serve God and to break his law at the same time! Jesus came to fulfill the law, not to destroy it. Purity in marriage began with Adam and Eve and is expected today. Christians must not be hard-hearted as the people were under the “second lawof Moses; we must follow purity in marriage even as the Lord Jesus demonstrated to his antagonists.

We have many marriages today that are not lawful, not based on purity. They can't be amended so as to make them pure; they must be annulled. Marital relationships are not the most important thing in life. Obeying God is!

Today, promotion of virginity and pure marriage is rare. However, God's men are obligated to remain faithful, even at the cost of being hated and persecuted. Even though the prophet died for his message of morality, his precept continues and those who disobey bear their disgrace. “Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.” (1 John 3:13)


Satan is the leader of demons. Mr. Copeland has an idea of how demons influence people ignorant of God, but he ignores that his condonation of adultery is demonic. He is not always wrong, he merely isn't always complete and correct. Remind you of the subtle way Satan deceived Eve? Another thing to think about is what will Mr. Copeland do when he leaves his mansions and jets? Everyone has to die, and eternity is something that everyone must face. Let me be directly open with Mr. Copeland: No, no Mr. Copeland. I am not convinced of your theology nor your lifestyle and what it may bring. The Lord rebuke you. Abraham was a great man of faith and he separated himself from wicked people. If you believe Abraham was a man of God, then you should believe John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul were too, and that Christ's teachings surpass and fulfill that of the Old Testament. You need to annul your adulterous relationship with Gloria.

Why Do These Televangelists Need Expensive Jets? Inside Edition, Published on May 3, 2019

Copeland's Remarriage Lie

Mr. Copeland doesn't claim to be Jewish even though some of his thoughts relate to the Old Testament and similarly reject the New Testament. He does ignore the prophet spoken about in Deuteronomy 18 and His
reproof of remarriage. God sent that prophet (God the son, Jesus). God and the Lord Jesus Christ agree. However, Mr. Copeland's message contradicts the teaching of Jesus.

Jesus did what his father told him to do, and Mr. Copeland says God told him about Gloria. However, the message of Jesus and Mr. Copeland don't agree. The message of Jesus is marital purity, but the message of Mr. Copeland is remarriage. Don't be deceived by such wicked men as Kenneth Copeland and their supporters.

I won't even go into Kenneth's previous marriage. Even if it was fornication, he hasn't been transparent. It is highly unlikely Gloria was a virgin (being divorced) when she married Kenneth. I know that sounds funny but virginity is a prerequisite for a woman to marry unless she is a chaste widow. A person contradicting the Scripture (the Old Testament and its fulfillment, the New Testament) and living in willful disobedience has no real testimony of God (it is delusion).

Copeland's False Light (Voiding God's Marriage Purity Commandment) And Deceptive Come-on:

You were born again as a child of light, so that light is in you in its most powerful form. But it cannot shine forth as long as you keep clouding it with strife, unbelief and unforgiveness.

If you want to walk in the full power of that light, you’ll have to repent of all those things. I don’t mean just feel sorry for it. Repentance isn’t just being sorry, it’s getting in agreement with God about those things, acknowledging to Him that they’re wrong, and then believing you receive your forgiveness for it and your cleansing from it.

Once you’ve done that, determine to become so committed to keeping God’s command of love that you’d rather die than violate it. If someone mistreats you, take the position Jesus and Stephen did when they looked at those who were about to murder them and said, “Father, forgive them….”

That kind of love literally arms you with light. It protects you so that the ugly stuff people say and do doesn’t bother you. You stop worrying about how they’re treating you and concern yourself instead with how you’re treating them.

I’ll never forget the day the Lord showed me that perspective. I’d been moping around because I felt like Gloria wasn’t paying attention to me the way I thought she should, and I said to myself, Aw, she doesn’t care about me anyway.

The second I said that, the Spirit of God jerked me to attention and almost hollered at me. It’s none of your business whether she cares about you or not! It’s your business to care for her! It’s enough for you to know that I care about you. So you see to it that you care for her and whether she cares a thing about you or not is between Gloria and Me!

The Lord’s tone of voice was so strong it left me trembling. I didn’t want Him to ever have to speak to me like that again. So I committed myself right then and there to do what He was telling me to do.

As a result, Gloria and I have walked in the light where our marriage is concerned, and the devil hasn’t been able to touch it. It’s like heaven on earth in our house.

Taken from the webpage: Delight in the Good Life, by Kenneth Copeland, on Jan. 18, 2013.



Kenneth Copeland Remarriage Lie

Honor Faithful Deacons

Remarriage and Prostitution Epidemic

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