John MacArthur Promotes The Genetic Jew Myth: The Hebrews/Jews Became Extinct

John MacArthur: Understanding Jewish People Prophetically, Inside The Epicenter Podcast , Apr 23, 2020

The Jews, a Hebrew tribe, became extinct. Many erring ministers today seem to think the people living in Israel today are of the tribe of Judah even though they have less genetic credentials than the people who were rejected at the Ezran counsel. (Ezra 10)

The people promoting the myth that the “Jewish” are Jews and who live in Israel are part of the apostasy and Anti-Christian deception that is to come upon the world. It is prophesied in the Bible.

John MacArthur is a known fornication promoter, and he also is deceived by the Herzl Matrilinealist and modern Jew myth.



Ezekiel 38

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