Annul Illegitimate Marriage: Think of your eternity; not the pleasure of this life.

How to be Saved

Charles Manson Similarity

Prevent Fornication

Marcus Garvey: Black Homogeneity

Homogeneity The Bible Has A Patrilineal Formula For Race

Law Concerning Chastity

Genetics: The Jewish Are Not Hebrew

Purity/Chastity Better Than Abstinence


The Perverse, Subversive Media

(Seven Texts)

John MacArthur Sex Demon

Murder and adultery are horrific sins. Serial killers and serial, adultery and defilement promoters cause great destruction in society. It is time people forsake double-life (one part seemingly good mixed with an evil part), unGodly pastors and leave factions. Notorious, Charles Manson said that he did not kill anyone. Nevertheless, He did admit having something (being involved) to do with the well-publicized murders. Similarly, a heretical pastor who is an adultery or defilement (I Cor. 6:15) promoter does not have to commit adultery with all of his victims in order to devastate them; all he has to do is persuade and lead them into defilement in order to destroy them or someone associated with and deceived by them. The message of hurt carries on first through ill advice and ends in physical and spiritual harm. It is time people should be angry with such rhetorical lies and individual devastation. Get out of the mainstream churches!

I personally wish students of the Bible would search more profoundly on issues rather than listening to relatively biased or unlearned evangelists who do not work with their hands for their sustenance. MacArthur makes many beautiful points about the Old Testament law concerning divorce throughout his videos part1 and 2 and he even mentions the marriage of Adam and Eve, but he also leaves out essential facts concerning the biblical bond of sex with a female virgin, which required marriage by commandment (Ex. 22, Dt. 22). See my early paper:

     It is illusory to think marriage is instituted by mere contract! Marriage is a physical sex act between a virgin female and a male (Ex. 22:16, Dt. 22:13-21, 28, 29)--biblical revelation. The virginity of a woman is proof of a woman's eligibility to marry--natural revelation. The male partner by either sharing or violating the virgin female's chastity becomes either a husband or a polygamist (although legally disallowed in many places), the latter sexual status is in contradiction to a new testament principle of monogamy (I Cor. 7:27). Nature and God's written word, natural and biblical revelation, harmonize as to the enlightenment of the essence of marriage and encourage the continuance of a chaste relationship.
     The once virgin female partner no longer has a justifiable opportunity to have sex with anyone else as long as her first male sex partner is alive--to do so would commit fornication. In the case of the female's first man dying, she would have a justifiable opportunity to date or marry someone else (Romans 7:1-3). Sexual experiences with men other than the first man (while he is living) defile the female and commence a degree of unchastity even if the first man were to die. Marriage is based upon the principle of unity ("one flesh" Gn. 2:24) and chastity. More details... .
At about 49 minutes, MacArthur begins,

What about premarital sex?

He refers to Leviticus 19:20 as a scourging penalty for sex with a slave:

“And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, that is a bondmaid, betrothed to an husband, and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to death, because she was not free.”

He seems to subtly ignore the obligating, life-changing commandments (Ex. 22:16, Dt. 22:13-21, 28, 29) for premarital sex and forced reward of marriage with a partner of the Hebrew race and non-slavery economic culture. Instead he goes to the penalty side for having sex with a slave who was betrothed. The female slave did not concur the same sex penalty as a free woman; otherwise, she would have been put to death even as the free caught in adultery. Eventually, slaves according to the deliverance of Christ were looked upon differently: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28). Regardless, today, our accountability and standard is greater: all women (excluding chaste widows) are expected to be able to offer a man virginity in marriage, or else remain single.

Overlooking things like this can be very misleading to youth and the unlearned. He presents premarital sex as something a person can only be punished for rather than demonstrating that sex has a marriage bond attached to it. So, if you watch both parts of his videos you will see the cover-up of the essential part of the sex bond of marriage and may realize he has skillfully kept the attention of a crowd without offending them or making them aware of personal accountability issues and the need to make changes perhaps due to their previous sexual behavior.

He has explained the exception clause for divorce and the penalties for adultery very well in part but he has left out the very important, commandments concerning the bond of sex. Premarital sex may very well become marital sex according to the sexual bond and Old Testament law of a female virgin. The female's paternal parent has the right to accept the man or deny him for the marriage. However, if the male says that she did not have virginity and refuses her, she must remain single as an unchaste woman if it is proven to be true; otherwise, hypothetically, if she had lived in the Old Testament era she could have been penalized with the death penalty for folly. Today, in the morally deteriorating USA, which is lacking in deterrents for fornication, a background check is used among the wise and the remedy for female unchastity is legal help and annulment. Follow the page all the way to the bottom to see the rest of the MacArthur observation.

He not only overlooks the biblical virgin premarital sex bond, but he also promotes the big, cultural remarriage lie: So, where there is grounds for divorce, there's always grounds for remarriage. __John MacArthur

Christians that obey God do not promote, condone or commit adultery. As you may see in Mr. MacArthur's video, he twists the Scripture and leads his audience into accepting adultery and even encourages them to do it! Below we will analyze his words.

Blatant Contradiction of Scripture:

Mr. MacArthur says if:

... you divorce for the cause of sexual sin, and marry somebody else, that's not adultery. OK? That's the exception.

MacArthur is only partially correct in his statement above. Men and women could remarry during Old Testament times, but the woman couldn't be polygamous as the man. Hypothetically, A woman with two concurrent husbands during that era would be charged with adultery for one of them. What if a woman gives her virginity to a man today but does not marry him and attempts to marry someone else? Isn't this the sin of folly! It takes a much more profound understanding of marriage than what MacArthur has proposed as premarital sex. If a woman loses her virginity and marries another man, she commits fornication. Such illegitimate relationships biblically must be annulled. On the other hand, if a woman attempts to marry a divorced (virgin before he married) man who had a virgin wife and she became promiscuous, the woman who attempts to remarry with him overlooks that he is still required to remain single: “Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.” (I Cor. 7:27) His putting away a wife of adultery does not give him the right to marry again.

However, things changed and polygamy expired during the New Covenant. Furthermore, women were specifically commanded by the Lord not to remarry in I Cor. 7:

“10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: 11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.” (KJV)

Obedience to 1 Cor. 7:10 and 11 will prevent adultery. Unity of marriage is the opposite of divorce and brokenness. However, what MacArthur says is in direct contradiction as to remaining unmarried in I Cor. 7:10, 11: Even a chaste woman could not remarry if she departed from her husband. So, if a woman is put away regardless of her chastity status or even if her husband had several affairs, she still is directed not to remarry and would be defying the principle to avoid adultery by attempting to marry someone else. Take note Jesus referred to the beginning and the undefiled, monogamous state of Adam and Eve in other verses.

Mark 10:11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. 12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.

Who's telling the truth … Jesus, Mr. MacArthur or Charles Manson? Of course, Jesus is the only truthful one. Jesus respected the marriage bond between Adam and Eve--the union made through having premarital sex, which became marriage. (Notice at the top of the page it is explained how MacArthur covered up this marriage bond which takes place through female virgin sex.) You need to discern between false light and light, between Satan and Jesus, between a heretic and the Scripture. Study the Bible, especially Ex. 22 and Dt. 22 concerning the requirement of female virginity for marriage, and make your decisions for God.

Divorce may be permissible at times and a fornication relationship must be annulled, but remarriage (adultery) is never permissible. Don't let anyone lead you into remarriage whether the person claims to be a minister of God or not! If you are a woman who has already made the mistake of fornication or adultery, get the illegitimate marriage annulled and live single for God.

From My Sermon Illusion: Understanding Basic Principles of the Requirement for Chastity

     It is illusory to think marriage is instituted by mere contract [or vow]! Marriage is a physical sex act between a virgin female and a male (Ex. 22:16, Dt. 22:13-21, 28, 29)--biblical revelation [and there is agreement with the bridegroom and acceptance by the father of the girl]. The virginity of a woman is proof of a woman's eligibility to marry--natural revelation. The male partner by either sharing or violating the virgin female's chastity becomes either a husband or a polygamist (although legally disallowed in many places), the latter sexual status is in contradiction to a new testament principle of monogamy (I Cor. 7:27). Nature and God's written word, natural and biblical revelation, harmonize as to the enlightenment of the essence of marriage and encourage the continuance of a chaste relationship.
     The once virgin female partner no longer has a justifiable opportunity to have sex with anyone else as long as her first male sex partner is alive [and she did not officially marry him]--to do so would commit fornication. In the case of the female's first man dying, she would have a justifiable opportunity to date or marry someone else [because the marriage bond she created through first-time sex can no longer be valid if the man has deceased] (Romans 7:1-3). [Nevertheless,] sexual experiences with men other than the first man (while he is living) defile the female and commence a degree of unchastity even if the first man were to die. [In order for her to marry, such fornication would require all of the men of her promiscuity to be dead before she could have a clear account of no male cognizance of her, and it may be very hard to prove.]
     Marriage [much different than fornication] is based upon the principle of unity ("one flesh" Gn. 2:24) and chastity. [Eve, the first woman (implicitly a virgin) on earth, is referenced as an example of a natural and pure woman, having an acceptable marriage with the male Adam through coitus, meeting the purity requirements of both the new and old covenants. She did not have an ervat davar (uncleanness), defilement or reason to be divorced. When she married Adam, through having sex and uniting physically and spiritually, her intellect and mentality changed, she obtained and possessed a one-male cognizance. Of course, the male who became intimate with her was Adam, the only other human being on earth. Intellectually, he became more than co-existent, he became one with her. They were a clean and undefiled, marital entity, a united body, each became part of the other, one flesh (Gn. 2:24), and they fulfilled the marriage institution, social and psychological adherence and oneness commandment: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh”.]
     [Today, in order to preserve our God-given marital institution, we need to look at the cognizance factor and make background checks for males and females before marriage. Our erring, mainstream churches do not have pastors and teachers that promote sexual purity. John MacArthur condones adultery and John Piper unclean marriage with a defiled woman. Our colleges and universities are full of women partying at night. The need for the study and emphasis of the eras of the biblical law has been evident. Islam, Eastern religions and other anti-Christian influences pervade the media. Due to our lack of moral and physical borders, our culture in America has deteriorated to the point the common person doesn't have a clear perception between the difference between adultery, fornication and pure marriage. NWO hegemony has emasculated the male and masculated the female. We have fallen politically from Jeffersonism to Lincolnism to Reconstruction to Jim Crow to Babelist diversity and transgenderism. Instead of correcting and helping the abused, we are promoting abuse through common law marriage and fornication, whereas there should be deterrent and penalty.]
     Now, on the other hand, divorce is a psychological-physical separation through commitment (I Cor. 7:10, 11): when the act of divorce is put in writing it becomes a public notice. [In the Old Testament, divorce was permitted (Dt. 24:1-3) with some women, but not dowry brides (and sexual immorality or adultery on their part would have earned the death penalty). The heart of the people of God had become hardened, and Moses gave a redaction of the first law (including the Ten Commandments), which is known as the book of Deuteronomy. Then, a man could actually divorce a woman due to something he perceived as naked or unclean in his view of female morality. An unclean or divorced woman who was given (written) by her ex-husband a book of divorcement (a contract: biblion apastasiou—Greek, sayfer keritut--Hebrew) was allowed to marry again.
     However, later, the Lord Jesus Christ reproved the redaction and referred to the one-man purity of Eve (and even the one-woman cognizance--sexual purity of Adam). Thus, since Moses referred to the prophet to come (the Lord Jesus Christ--Dt. 18:15) and his authority, [divorce may be permitted in some cases I Cor. 7:11, 15 but] female defilement in marriage [fornication] or remarriage [adultery] was not tolerated in the New Testament.]
     So, considering the biblical facts concerning the essence of marriage and divorce, and the world-wide immoral sexual circumstances, there are probably many unregistered (unpublished) marriages (more so than are revealed by statistics, or spoken of) and divorces. Subsequently, due to the disregard of biblical precepts, many unregistered and registered forbidden, but legalized, marriages have resulted.

Marriage Unacceptabilty of Seduction, Rape and Incest Victims

Exodus 22, verse16: “And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife.” Note, this is a command. So in the case of incest (Joyce Meyer), the relationship would require instant and automatic disannulment (no acknowledgment of legal marriage) and the ex-virgin would have to remain single to prevent fornication and not marry someone else at a later time.

Penalty for Folly (Attempt of marriage after premarital sex)

Dt. 22, verse 20:But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: 21 Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.” The tribal, religious community was the police force and criminals (Bible law breakers) were given capital punishment at times.

Mr. MacArthur's Vigorous Promotion of Marriage (According to his statement above ... even if divorced from a former spouse!)

You are made to be married. Find somebody. Don't look for the messiah: Just find somebody.” (at about 45 minutes in part 2 of his video)

His audience should have rebuked him and told him they will look for the message and teaching of the messiah (far from what media-hawk John says) and walked out. God does not tolerate folly or remarriage. By the way, Paul recommended singleness.

Mr. MacArthur's Admission of Israelite Recognition and Refusal of Miscegenation

They hated the Samaritans because they were intermarried half-breeds.” (at about the late 24 minute mark in MacArthur's video below)

I give him credit here for making a point about miscegenation. However, does he carry the anti-genocide (anti-racial pollution) principle over to today's time? I don't think that is his intention. He doesn't seem to warn and exhort the audience to beware of inter-racial mixing at least to any extent of profound conviction. However, racial and cultural homogeneity should be taught in view of several Old Testament aspects in our time, not mere churchiosity culture of the heresy media. Numbers 36:5-13 gives us the Israelite prescription for race and demographics: Intra-tribal marital, inheritance and antigenocide law. Some good references are Nehemiah, and especially the restoration of the law concerning the Ezran Covenant. Inter-racial marriage was determined a cause of divorce. I recommend you see this homogeneity-promoting site to give you insight on how to look for a compatible mate.

“...exception clause...” (at about 19 minutes in MacArthur's video below)

Not all illegitimate marriages are the result of fornication divorce (Mt. 19:9) and female second cultural marriage; however, a previously undefiled wife who commits adultery and divorces does not justify the remarriage of her former husband either. Nevertheless, the fornication of a woman only justifies her divorce from her supposed and legalized but not real husband; it does not give her a right to marry another man. Nevertheless, pertaining to pure marriage, the early church established monogamy and remaining single after divorce. Therefore, the husband of such a wife of fornication would not be bound to her and would seemingly be able to marry someone else because he was not legitimately married in the first place. Nevertheless, he would be carrying baggage that a female virgin who does a background check peacefully and righteously may not want to live with.

So, to the opposite of immorality, pure marriage, agreeing with the premarital bond of Ex. 22 and Dt. 22 would disallow divorce. This is demonstrated by the non-polygamous restriction of the deacons, who were required to be “husbands of one wife” (I Timothy 3:12). A marriage partner was strongly advised to reconcile his or her problems if possible in 1 Cor. 7: 10, 11: "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife." Some heretics (Pat Robertson in this instance) claim if an unbelieving spouse leaves a believer, the believer is not bound to the marriage relationship, but is free to remarry. That is a falsehood! It simply is not true. What such a situation does induce is the freedom for the believer to 'remain unmarried' mene'tow a'gamos (I Cor 7:11, 15). The apostle Paul gave faithful judgment and made it clear that virgins could marry, but if they became divorced not to remarry: “Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.” (I Cor. 7:27).

Jesus answered the divorce question by referring to Adam and Eve (a one-marriage status) in the beginning. Marriage was designed a unity that should not be broken. A biblical marriage is established by the virginity of the woman, the never-married and the non-obligated-to-a-former-virgin status of the male, and the consent of the father of the virgin woman. On the other hand, not all first marriages are really biblical marriages: They are relationships of fornication legalized through the state. They should be annulled.

Note: It is not good to be alone; however, during the time of Christ it was a virtue and an honor to live single for the Lord, and still is today. Previous to the time of the early church, it was expected for a man and woman usually to marry and have children. The Apostle Paul told the virgins: “But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you.” (I Cor. 7:28) He said nothing about to marry again if they divorced or to remarry as the erring do today. Remarriage was not proposed; singleness was. Singleness is a good way of ending a bad or defiled marriage, and it is a good way for some anyway. Male parents need to be aware of this. The end of the chapter continues to explain the goodness of living single. In verse 36, “But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry.” This confirms the father has the right to decide a daughter's fate whether to remain a virgin or to marry.

Mt. 7:16 "Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Has John MacArthur led people into fornication and adultery? Decide for yourself. By the way, the women divorced who are mentioned in Dt. 24 were not bound to perpetual marriage as the virgin brides in Dt. 22, who were never allowed to be divorced! (Of course, except for fornication, which would have to have been adultery in this particular case, and then divorce would not have been necessary because that would have been solved by the death penalty.)

The Truth About Divorce, Part 1 (Mark 10:1-12), Dec 14, 2010, Grace to You


Transparency, Purity And Wedding Ceremony

John MacArthur Demonic Teaching In Parts-pg1

John MacArthur on Focus On The Family

Learn The Marriage Law By Eras

Jeremiah 3

Hosea And Gomer


Folly/Fornication (Biblical explanation of why unchaste women should not marry)

Beware of Lustburn:

Biblical studies on rape

Anti-incest law

Annulment of illicit relationship

Hebrew Patrilineal, Inheritance Law

Racial and cultural homogeneity

Covenant of Ezra


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