Isik Abla seemed so inspiring until I heard that she married another man. I was concerned so I wrote her a YouTube email:

Dear Isik,

I was reading your Facebook page. It says "married". How can you be married if you left your first man (Islamic husband)? Did you re-unite with him or how do you mean you are married? I want you to know that Christians cannot remarry. A woman who has a living first man cannot biblically marry another man; such cases would require annulment.

I also attached a link: Re-unification of Chaste Female after Separation. I then followed up with a Facebook message with a link to this page:

Hi Isik, Marriage? I really don't understand your situation. Is your first husband still living or did he die? I need to know because I can't fellowship with you as a Christian until I know your circumstances. I have explained it in the link.

Hypothetically, of course she could not re-unite with her former husband if she defiled herself with another man (Dt. 24:4). If the first man died and she had been chaste (no sexual intercourse with any other men), then she would have been permitted to marry, but I don't know her circumstances. I am still waiting for her reply.

Forgiveness is always necessary. However, forgiveness in itself does not establish sanctity or set forth righteousness such as the law (Torah) does. God is a forgiving God, but he does never void his commandments for the sake of forgiving. The Ten Commandments are still for our direction. He still and always requires righteousness and never condones sin. God does not condone remarriage, fornication, or any deviation from his set order merely because he is a merciful and forgiving God to those who ask forgiveness from him with sincerity.

On June 12, 2015 I replied to Isik's email:

Isik sweetheart, I love you. I know Christians don't learn and become without needing more knowledge over night. It takes time to grow for the Lord. I believe you have had an experience with Jesus, but we are in the apostasy and many Christians are deceived. Dear Isik, I can never accept fornication or remarriage and because God can't. I believe if you truly serve God you will eventually be cionvicted [sic: I meant “convicted”] by Him and denounce and annul any unwarranted relationship. I will remember you in prayer. Read my pages on my site. I will view your links. Thanks for replying, in Christ's love.

So, concluding, I must shun Isik. Folks, we must not allow our walk to be polluted through mixing with those in open sin. We can pray for them, hopefully, some will denounce their wickedness of serving their flesh (particularly adultery/fornication Gal. 5:19) and truly repent.


Adultery: Continuous Sin

Hunts Point Rationalization