Ahab-ism and Jezebel-ism: Christian Deterioration
(How Materialism and Serving the Flesh Supports the Elite Slave-master)

Ahab has been recognized for his lack of doing things he should have. He was a passive man. He provoked God. As Ahab, so called, “Christian” men are not taking care of business. They are provoking God and the righteous. They are allowing unclean wives in their homes. Pastors are marrying off known, unchaste women to men. Whorish women are ruling and influencing weak men. Some even lead church gatherings.

Alex Jones' Dallas Seminary Delusion: Get Out Of The Hog Pen Alex!

No matter how much a man rants, whines or cries, if he promotes continuous sin, and things that bring the judgment of God, his prosperity and rights will not last. God will see to it! Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.

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Our ministries have become money and attention grabbers, not real givers of the gospel. Authors are selling books. Schools are encouraging students to become debtors. Churches are using raffles and “win” devices. Mission houses for the homeless require sermon listening before getting a place to stay—offering the gospel for a price of a place to stay for returning the ministry some theological or philosophical attention.

This is a disgrace to the name of Christ to train speakers to offer teaching in this way. For instance, the homeless, drunks and drug addicts are not given shelter if they don't accept the offer. Notwithstanding, forced attention does not usually alleviate the ignorance of God among such desperate people. People need to make their own decision through Christian leading and their own will, their own choice. They must be inspired through the gospel and grace of God alone. Jesus never offered his listeners material reward for them to listen to him, and neither is there an account of the apostles and prophets doing such things. Giving must be done in the virtue of giving, not materialism, not purchasing or charging for attendance.

On the other hand, Christian drug rehabs make an offer to their clients and prospects and of course room and board is included. The prospect makes his own decision to give attention to the way of thinking of someone else in hope of receiving help to be delivered from a state of addiction and deterioration. However, the homeless shelters do the same but the prospects may not be sincere about their decision; they may merely want a place to stay. So, they shouldn't be forced to make such decisions if they don't really think they appreciate the ideological influence under such conditions, especially among hedonistic people that may curse, act belligerently, try to get high on a substance, or involve themselves in some other negativity. The churches using the name of Christ are doing and not doing things their own materialistic way, not the way of the Scriptures. Compromise is the answer for them, not Christ.

Since the Civil War, we do not have the likeness of Christian husbandry in any great degree anymore; we have a more centralized economy making gain through usury and extortion. Many homeless are not suffering from substance abuse and addiction but rather economic helplessness, caused by the deterioration and overthrow of the former heir freedom and better economic conditions. Even under the current, severe economy and political situation, mission houses or communities may still repent and learn the practice of sincere giving. They may learn the good tradition of racial and cultural homogeneity and community working together as a group. This would be a way for the group member not to be made an economic slave to the usury and extortion system. If it gathered enough members, it could even have political influence and rival American Socialism and Communism.