Males And Females Both Must Be Accountable For Their Sexual Actions

The problem is that years ago American law stopped the killing of an adulteress in the act without giving a prison sentence to the adulteress. The infiltrated and perverted legal system denied the country's desperate need for chastity. Legal authority no longer protected the institution of marriage. Illicit marriage began. Females began to become more daring and lewd, not even mentioning experiences with rapists. Defilement and cuckoldry became the norm. Children of abused and unchaste parents bore a curse and became targets, suffering the lack of blessing of honorable parents. The media and rape culture advanced to what it is today. American law failure (tolerance of immorality without legal penalty and female imprisonment) is the reason!


Allred VS Rotunno

Weinstein Fornication

Seemingly Inadequate McCandless Trial

Prison Proposal For Female Treachery


What If Adultery Were Indicted?

Go, and sin no more

Perpetual Defilement

Platform For Living Single

What Fornication Is

Men Lacking The Mind Of A Normal Man

Rape Prison: Why Restitution Must Be Demanded

Elite Cover-Ups

MGTOW And Alimony Avoidance


Draft For Women

When Alimony Is Not Appropriate

Epstein Child Rape

Masturbation Is Sin

Forced Tampon Removal Is Sexual Assault

Back To DUI Record Holding

Tracing America's Sexual Deterioration Downfall

America's gods of Babylon

Non-Continuous Sin Differentiation

Old Testament Tolerance of Remarriage

New Testament Repeal of Remarriage and Adultery

State Laws Became Passive Toward Sexual Sin



Sex Determination

Chromosomal Racial Discrimination