Jerry Falwell, Jr. Fails As Representative of Christianity

Politically, I am glad to promote Donald Trump above the Pentagon hand-raising, salary-suckers as to leading the Movement 2016. Am3rica doesn't seem to have a chance with the same-old-thing, career politicians who have allowed the nation to destroy the rights of its founder-heirs. However, Mr. Falwell is not a fit representative as a Christian. His college has promoted adultery for years, and even during his father's years. As you can see, he is not a bright, lifting, enthusiastic speaker either. Beware of a false walk! Colleges like his have wealth because they promote sin and things that attract the wealth of the sinful.

Regardless, Mr. Trump is a very likable and talented man but he has remarried and considering he approves of Mr. Falwell, he manifestly ignores the sexual errors of Liberty University and doesn't understand the basics of the institution of marriage. Divorce and remarriage was permitted during the Old Testament, but not the New. A sinner enjoys the company of a sinner, so why wouldn't he celebrate Mr. Falwell and vice versa. Evidently, we cannot expect Christian leadership in presidential campaigns; spiritual direction has to come from the church, the “body called out”, not erring college administrators or candidates.

King David's actions had an effect on the whole nation of Israel. Sadly, it seems the people of our country may attempt to help its political and financial leadership through their voting power, but everyone must still bear the curse of nation-wide, biblically illegitimate marriage theologies and sin. Folks, be preparing. We don't have much time. We must aim for repentance and self-improvement even more so than national restoration. God's wrath is upon our sinful nation.

Hypocrite Jerry Falwell, Jr. Hosts for Donald Trump in Iowa

My post: “Jerry Falwell, Jr. does not have the Christian credentials to represent Christianity. His school has promoted adultery and illegitimate marriage since his father's days. Learn the basics of marriage institution. .”


Jerry Falwell, Sr.

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